Day by Day Living in the Promised Land
Day by Day Series
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Precious Seed

These daily meditations cover the historical books of the Old Testament from Joshua to 2 Chronicles. Israel’s occupancy of the Promised Land began well, and had golden days of success during the reigns of David and Solomon, but is largely a tragic account of disobedience to the Lord, their covenant God,


Day by Day Living in the Promised Land

These daily meditations cover the historical books of the Old Testament from Joshua to 2 Chronicles. Israel’s occupancy of the Promised Land began well, and had golden days of success during the reigns of David and Solomon, but is largely a tragic account of disobedience to the Lord, their covenant God, which led to their eventual exile from the Land in Assyria and in the case of Judah, Babylon. We learn from their failures essential lessons for Christian life and experience today; also, concerning the Lord’s long suffering towards His rebellious people, expressed through His servants the prophets, and His grace in granting periods of revival under a minority of godly kings. An international team of contributors has provided a wealth of spiritually profitable instruction designed to appeal to believers of all ages, and which will draw us into closer fellowship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in our own increasingly challenging and dangerous times.



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Day by Day Living in the Promised Land
