Chairman’s Notes

As 2017 draws to a close I trust that we can all give thanks for the Lord’s blessing over this year. It may have been a hard year for some, but the Lord has seen us through the disappointments, sadness, and struggles. For others it may have been a very happy year, when they got saved, baptized, received into fellowship, married ‘in the Lord’ or some other spiritual milestone. In whatever circumstance, it is appropriate that we give thanks, and acknowledge the Lord’s goodness as we take another step nearer heaven.

On behalf of the Trustees, I would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to you, the readers, for your continued prayerful and practical support. Apart from the printing of the magazines and books, there are many other things which your support enables us to do. Over this last year in particular, we have been able to donate over 2000 books to believers in the developing world, particularly Botswana, Tanzania, and Zambia; to poor believers in India; and to those who work among children in the United Kingdom and abroad. We have also supported requests for the translation and use of our materials in Portuguese, Romanian, and Tamil.

Although we always ask that magazine orders are reviewed to avoid wastage, we print extra copies to enable us to replace any that are lost in distribution. You will be pleased to know that any copies that are not taken up for this purpose are sent to believers in Zambia.

This quarter will see the retirement of one of our Trustees. When Ian Grant joined us in September 2009, we all felt that it was a long way to come to each meeting, from Aberdeen, especially when they were held in Bristol! We pay tribute to his willingness to travel, his contributions to meetings, and his work as editor of the articles on ‘Histories and Services’. This was not the easiest of roles, but the variety of topics he has covered has been fascinating and informative, not least the recent venture into aspects of the Lord’s work overseas. We wish Ian well in his retirement.

As Ian retires, we welcome Frank Proudlock to the Trust. Frank is in fellowship in the assembly that meets in the York Street Hall, Leicester, England, and will be well-known to some. We appreciate his willingness to help us as, in the will of the Lord, the work progresses into its seventy-third year.



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