Daily Thought
Today’s Daily Thought –
Headship can take one of two forms: it can be administrative or organic. In the marital relationship, it is obviously administrative. When it relates to Christ and His church, it is both organic, He is the source of life, and administrative, He supplies and controls.
In the marital relationship, of which Christ and the church is the great prototype, the husband is seen as head of the wife. No thought of superiority is hinted at. It is a place, not of rights, but of responsibility. The spheres in which a husband bears responsibility in headship are sobering and solemn. No doubt, as these are a stewardship, account will be given at the Judgement Seat for how they have been fulfilled.
As head, a husband is responsible for guidance. In light of the head-body analogy, it is evident that a ‘wise’ head will take into account all the input which the body can provide in making decisions. But ultimately, the head bears the responsibility for direction for the marriage.
The head is also responsible to see to that which is good for the body. ‘Nourisheth and cherisheth’ are the words employed by Paul, v. 29. The former speaks of providing for the physical welfare of the wife. It means the everyday matters such as food, clothing, shelter, and the means to cover daily expenses.
Cherishing however, involves something beyond the physical well-being of a spouse; it means the emotional welfare. A wife should be secure in her husband’s love. He should do all he can to ensure that his home is marked by peace. Anger, ingratitude, threats, bullying - can these possibly ever mark a Christian husband? Is this the way Christ loves His church?
But one additional responsibility is placed upon husbands. Just as Christ is bringing His church to her ultimate beauty, so a Christian husband should develop in his wife spiritual beauty and usefulness for God. He is to elevate her to her full potential. As head, he sees to her physical welfare, emotional well-being, and spiritual cultivation. Have we a true appreciation of the significance of headship?
Yesterday’s Daily Thought –