Dwindling Assemblies

WHEN some assembly dwindles pessimists regard It as evidence of a general tendency, forgetting that it is a mistake to base generalisms on a particular case. Not only is it a fact that quite a number of new assemblies have grown up recently (as our Reports Section has shown) but many assemblies which languished a generation ago have manifested renewed vitality. Of late, we have had quite a number of requests for more magazines to meet increased demands in assemblies and, dipping into our post bag, we select the following encouraging extracts, which have reached us quite Spontaneously : –
“As our little assembly increases we are needing more copies” (Lancashire) – “our numbers have grown a little” (Middlesex.) – “owing to the growing numbers in our assembly” (Devon) - “numbers in fellowship have increased” (Gloucestershire) – “we have a number of young people just added” (Sussex) -"our numbers have increased a little” (Middlesex.) – “there are now a few more in fellowship” (Sussex) – “the assembly is growing” (Bedfordshire) – “we have a number of young people recently saved” (Yorkshire) – “a remarkable increase in numbers and vigour” (Scotland).

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