
It was divine hands that first planted anything in earth’s soil, Gen. 2. 8. That planting established a place where man and God might commune – a place where not only man might enjoy fellowship with his creator but also where God might enjoy man, the crowning glory of His creation.

The entrance of sin marred mankind and creation; what had been a relationship and place of rich enjoyment for heaven, became an utter barrenness in heaven’s eyes. Man, designed to draw all his purpose and delight from his creator, abandoned his source of ‘life’ and put his roots well down into other sources.

What delight must have dawned in heaven’s eternal day, when One was born who was altogether different; One who would grow up before Him as a tender plant. One who, untainted by the sinfulness of flesh, would constantly draw His purpose and delight from God Himself.

To heaven, He was a tender plant – a sapling which drew all its nourishment from eternal sources.

As the inspired Gospel writers unfold for us the history of the Lord Jesus, that dependence of the perfect man is seen in many ways.

Sitting among the religious academics of the day, He shows His actions are drawn from divine purpose, Luke 2. 49. On a later visit to the temple, He affirms that His actions are designed to produce divine pleasure, John 8. 29. In the busyness of daily serving, He takes time alone to draw on eternal resources, Matt. 14. 23.

How is it with us? As those who are subjects of the new birth and have received the blessing of new life, are our actions drawn from divine purpose? Are we allowing the glory of the Father to be our regulator as we walk in newness of life, Rom. 6. 4? We can be sure that such heavenly living will only be possible if we have our ‘roots’ settled and drawing sustenance from the appropriate place.

As we send this issue of the magazine to press, it is the sincere prayer of the committee, and those who have taken the time to write for this issue, that its content will promote a deeper appreciation and love for the One who delights heaven.

‘He shall grow up before him as a tender plant’, Isa. 53. 2.


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