Editorial – ‘Many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them’, Mark 2.

‘Many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them’, Mark 2. 2.

I wonder whether you long to see the situation described in our verse above. Perhaps, like me, you’re part of a small company of believers that seeks to maintain a testimony for God, but seldom sees more than one or two people coming along to the gospel meeting or showing any interest in the subject of salvation from sin. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the hall packed? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have to worry about the health and safety regulations as they might apply to such a large company, where they were stood outside trying to squeeze into the aisle that was already full?

Perhaps you are part of a fellowship of Christians that regularly experiences a crowd at each meeting. If you are, I hope you rejoice in the goodness of God. Although in many parts of the world numbers attending places of worship are declining rapidly, we need to remind ourselves that God is still at work as souls are being saved and added to companies of the Lord’s people.

However, I want us to consider one of the most striking points about this section of Mark’s Gospel. So many people there, but so few blessed in the presence of the Saviour. What a tremendous demonstration of divine power in the forgiveness of sins and the healing of the man sick of the palsy, and yet so few recognize the Saviour and receive Him as their own. God was at work, and yet so many hardened their heart against the Lord. Perhaps this is where we need to adjust our thinking. A packed hall might be encouraging. A large crowd to hear the gospel might be thrilling. But what is really needed is a realization of God at work in the heart, conscience, and life of some needy sinner. That is when we will experience blessing. It may be a few that are saved; it may be many. Nevertheless, we will be sure that such blessing brings real converts.

One of the original aims of this magazine was to ‘encourage … interest in gospel work’. Perhaps, as you read through the reports section of this magazine you might be encouraged to pray for the seed of the word of God that is being sown, in this country, and around the world. But what would be really good to know is that as a consequence of something that you have read, there is generated in your heart a desire to do something similar in your own locality. Often, the reports that we feature are already out-of-date but they will be worthy of inclusion if someone else sees one that rekindles in their heart a desire to reach the lost. May the Lord be pleased to use the magazine to the furtherance of His work in the gospel, and to His glory in the salvation of souls!


Ministry Articles Editor


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