
INTRODUCTION, I. 1-10 i. Salutation, 1-5. Address, 1-2. Greetings 3-5. ii. Reprobation, 6-10.
Apostasy of the Galatians, 6-7. Anathema upon the Perverters, 8-9. Attitude of the Apostle, 10.
DEFENCE OF THE GOSPEL. PERSONAL SECTION, 1. 11 to 2. 21. i. Claim as to the Source, 1. 11-14. Divine revelation not man’s
instruction. ii. Commission at Conversion, 1. 15-16a. iii. Course after Conversion, I. 16-17. iv. Contacts with Apostles, 1. 18 to 2. 10.
a. First Visit to Jerusalem, 1. 18-24.
b. Second Visit to Jerusalem, 2. 1-10.
v. Controversy with Peter, 2. 11-16. At Antioch.
vi. Conclusion upon the Mailer, 2. 17-21. A Personal Testimony.
DECLARATION OF THE GOSPEL. DOCTRINAL SECTION, 3. 1 to 5. 1. i. Inculcation of the Truth, 3. 1-29. Justification by Faith.
a. Argument proved by the Experience of the Galatians, 3. 1-5.
b. Argument proved by the Record of Abraham, 3. 6-13.
c. Argument proved by the Relationship of the Law, 3. 15-29.
i. The Law and the Promise, 15-22. ii. The Law and the Faith, 23-29. ii. Illustration of the Truth, 4. 1 to 5. I.
a. Argument from Analogy, 4. 1-7. Childhood and Sonship.
b. Appeal of the Apostle, 4. 8-20. Parenthetical.
i. Pertinent Enquiry, 8-11. ii. Personal Entreaty, 12-20. iii. Past attitude to Paul and present attitude to Perverters.
c. Argument from Allegory, 4. 21 to 5. 1. Ishmael and Isaac.
3. THE APPEAL – EXHORTATION TO OBEDIENCE-DEMANDSOF THEGOSPEL.PRACTICAL SECTION, 5. 2 to 6. 10. i. Subversion of Liberty, 5. 2-12. Fall from Grace.
a. Peril of Circumcision declared, 5. 2-6.
b. Perverters of Converts denounced, 5. 7-12.
ii. Expression of Liberty, 5. 13-15. Mutual love enjoined and strife
deprecated. iii. Secret of Liberty, 5. 16-26. Walking by the Spirit.
a. Conflict, 5. 16-18. Between the Spirit and the Flesh.
b. Contrast, 5. 19-23. Works of the Flesh and Fruit of the
c. Conclusion, 5. 24-26. Die to the Flesh and Live by the Spirit. iv. Exercise of Liberty, 6. I-10.
a. In loving Sympathy, 1-5. Towards an erring Brother, 1-3.
Towards a burdened Brother, 4-5.
b. In Liberal Giving, 6-10. Precept, 6. Principle, 7-8. Promise,
9. Performance, 10.
CONCLUSION, 6. 11-18.
i. Personal Explanation, 11. A Touching Plea. ii. Final Admonition, 12-16. iii. Personal Explanation, 17. A Touching Plea. iv. Final Benediction, 18.

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