Harold P. Hobbs

It is with much regret that the committee have to record the home-call of our brother, Mr Harold P. Hobbs, which took place suddenly on Thursday, February 1st, 1979.

Our brother was invited to join the committee in May 1969 and since then he has been one of our most consistent colleagues. He also has served us on the Sub-Committee which deals with the Precious Seed Booklet Ministry. His experience as a reader in the printing industry has enabled us to have expert advice on many of our printing problems.

Our brother had been a consistent member of the Charleton Hall Assembly which later became the assembly it Speedwell Road Hall, Bristol. For over 50 years he has served the Lord’s people faithfully in the Gospel, in Ministry, and later since his retirement, in Women’s Meetings. Much of his time was taken up in pastoral care. He was not unknown as a conference speaker. For some years he has been the Chairman of the Bristol Home Workers Conference.

We can rejoice in a course well run which we feel sure will have earned the Lord’s reward.

We commend his wife Mrs D. Hobbs and her son and daughter with their families to the prayers of the Lord’s people.



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