I Don’t Count

The Compxny to which I belong is fxirly lxrge; there xre twenty-six of us letters in xll. Hxving thought xbout it xt length, I hxve come to the conclusion thxt xny contribution which I could mxke to our work is unimportxnt. Xfter xll, there is no job which I cxn do which xnother member cxnnot do just xs well—probx-bly better.

Oh, I xm xwxre thxt the Word of God sxys thxt, “the body is not one member”, but it is mxny, 1 Cor. 12. 14. 1 know xlso thxt we rexd xbout “those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble”, thxt they xre necessxry, v. 22. But I xm sure thxt none of these things xpply to me.

I decided x little time xgo thxt I might xs well opt out xltogether xnd lexve the smxll txsks which I could do to xnother member of the compxny. Ax fxr xs I cxn tell this hxs worked xlright to dxte. You could xrgue, I expect, thxt if xll others did the sxme then nothing would get done xt xll. But I cxn’t see thxt ever hxppening. Xs I hxve xlrexdy sxid, I hxve stopped txking xny xctive pxrt in xny thing thxt is done—xnd, xs I expected, nobody hxs even rexlized it!

Do you think (just like the letter “A” in the article above) that you are not needed in your local assembly? Do you always expect somebody else (some brother or sister “X”) to do what you could do? If the answer to either question is “Yes”, you will find a prayerful reading of 1 Corinthians 12. 14-25 to be of great help.


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