New Committee Members

The continual expansion of ‘Precious Seed’ has made it necessary to seek additional help and with that In view we have invited three more brethren to join the Committee. Mr. F R A N K H O L M E S Is known to many assemblies n Great Britain who have benefited by his ministry. Three years ago he resigned his position in the Free Church of England In order to seek fellowship with assemblies seeking to carry out what he had become convinced, from his study of the Scriptures, was the Lord’s will for His people. Mr. H. M. LINTON is well known In a wide area around Bristol where he has served the Lord in various ways for many years. Mr. DAVID H. WILLIAMS (formerly of Urlstol and then of Cockermouth) came to Teignmouth a year ago to take up a position with the Torquay District Hospital Management Committee. He has undertaken to relieve Mr. A. C. Hinton of responsibility for the mailing list, so that all communications regarding new orders, or amendments, should now be addressed to him at 8, Ferndale Road, Teignmouth, Devon.
Most of our Committee members are drawn from the West Country but this is simply because brethren living farther afield would find it difficult to attend our regular Committee meetings. Some of our number do travel long distances and we greatly appreciate their sacrificial service. The interest of ‘Precious Seed’ is by no means confined to the West Country; its Reports Section takes in the whole of Great Britain and Eire and its ministry reaches most parts of the world.

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