Reports of Gospel Work

We feel it is necessary to make it clear that the men whose reports appear on this page serve the Lord independently of any human control. We are glad to commend their work to the prayerful interest of readers, but we accept no responsibility for them and make no contribution to their financial support.

Readers will understand that in view of printing difficulties the reports may sometimes be delayed.

TO THE JEW FIRST. (Romans 1. 16)

As the Lord’s orders have neither been revoked nor modified the holy injunction holds good for this dispensation.

In Liverpool the sin-atoning death of the Lord Jesus is pressed home to the Jewish consciences day by day by a variety of means. Persistent open-air witness is maintained in the Jewish quarters. Banners in Hebrew and English drawing attention to prophecies fulfilled in the Blessed One arouse interest. Jewish homes and shops are regularly visited and individuals contacted in the streets. Copies of the New Testament and suitable tracts are circulated. The Lord has seen fit to bless this witness with visible fruit. A Jewess who came to see that the remarkable prophecy of Dan. 9. 26 was fulfilled in Christ on Golgotha is now searching the Old and the New Testament in search of the truth. In another instance a Jewess who struggled against the Holy Spirit’s convicting power for five years eventually broke down and confessed Christ. This means a great deal and we are hoping that it will lead to the conversion of her husband and children. A man who was once a bitter opponent and enemy has professed salvation and is now as quiet as a lamb. Many interesting stories could be told, but enough has perhaps been said to encourage friends to pray for the Lord’s work among “His kinsmen according to the flesh.”

(Isaac Luft – Liverpool.)


A week after the War broke out I obtained permission to work among the men at this camp and continued there for nearly six years, looking to the Lord alone for guidance and the meeting of every need. The Lord has met our every need and blessed the preaching of the gospel.

I started by visiting the men in their Barrack rooms and encouraging them to come to the Welcome Hall which the brethren at Standford Hill put at my disposal free of charge. Here we had free refreshments at 7.30 each evening and a Gospel meeting from 8 to 9. The Hall was often well filled with men and we had the joy of leading many to Christ. No doubt we reaped from the sowing of many another labourer just as we trust others reaped from our sowing. All will rejoice together in that Great Day.

It was a joy to watch men, who had been convicted of sin, and had confessed Christ, continuing to come to the meetings and. growing in grace. We never pressed, for decisions and counted as converts only those who separated themselves unto Christ, as many did. The work got well known at the camp. One man, recently arrived, came up to me and asked, “Is this the place where I’m told you get a cup of tea, a piece of cake, and the salvation of your soul ?” I said, “Yes – come in,” and within 20 minutes he had got all three and proved to be a wonderful trophy of grace.

Mr. G. Waterman, Miss N. Waterman, my wife, and several other Christians were my willing helpers in this grand work.

(Bert Burnham – Selborne.)


Mr. Stanley Ford of Bournemouth recently held a six weeks’ campaign in North Devon, dividing the time between the town of Barnstaple and the neighbouring villages of Ashford and High Bickington. Christians keenly supported the effort in happy fellowship and interest was aroused from the first night when our brother told his life’s story in a large Public Hall. Extra seats had to be brought in and even then several had to stand. Numbers grew and on the third Sunday night people were standing at the back and down the sides of the building despite the fact that more extra seats had been brought in. The services in the Assembly Meeting Room were also most encouraging. Youth Rallies attracted hundreds of young people. On the last night in Barnstaple the floor and gallery were packed and forms had to be put in the aisles. It is estimated that out of a company of 400 people about 300 were young men and women. Although the meetings in the two villages were naturally not so large yet the patient toil of our brethren and sisters was rewarded by exceptionally good attendances. In all three places many people were attracted under the sound of the Gospel who had never been in before, and they listened gladly to 50-minute addresses. During the Barnstaple meetings brethren in the country chartered buses to bring people in and perhaps this helped to awaken interest when Mr. Ford went out into the country. Similarly the interest stirred in Barnstaple induced many of the town people to follow up the meetings at, Ashford and High Bickington. A number of people, young and old, men and women, made professions and we have every reason to believe that there were many genuine conversions. Some of the country people were converted in the town meetings, and some of the town people were converted in the country meetings. One man, previously opposed to the Gospel, who attended nearly every meeting in the town and most of the meetings in the country was converted at Ashford. When he was asked by a Christian friend, “Was it a good meeting last night ?” he looked up in surprise at such a question being asked. “They’re ALL good, aren’t they ?” was his prompt reply. He was right!

No doubt the fact that a converted boxer was preaching the Gospel helps to explain the unusual interest aroused but we believe that behind it all was a gracious work of the Holy Spirit in granting a reaping time after brethren and sisters in the area had done much prayerful and faithful sowing of the seed Week by week and month by month. “In due season ye shall reap if ye faint not.”


The recent Campaign, conducted by Mr. HAROLD GERMAN, of Scotland, was marked by a very real sense of the presence of the Lord from the very first meeting to the last. Night by night the Gospel message was presented clearly, definitely and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The attendance was good. Some nights the Hall was packed and on two occasions the side room had to be used. The prayer meetings before the Gospel services were better supported than we have ever known. Three professed faith in Christ and we trust that further fruit will be seen in “That Day.” Our young people handed in printed invitations to almost every house in the district and Mr. German toured the district with his car and “loud-speaker.” It has been a joy to be present at these meetings.

(W. Molland.)


It is my privilege to preach the Gospel in Hampshire and Berkshire, by various means, including open-air meetings, tract distribution, personal work, hospital visiting, etc., in addition, of course, to the usual meetings for saved and unsaved. Women’s meetings are held in various places with good results. After thirty-eight years’ experience I find village work more difficult than it used to be years ago. Great changes have come over rural life and there are now many things to attract people from the Gospel. Moreover, sellers of books teaching false and destructive doctrines are busy and one feels the increasing importance of good literature dealing with the fundamental truths of the Gospel. One has been cheered by definite cases of conversion – one outstanding case being that of a Roman Catholic who has made a stand for Christ.

(G. Titcombe – Basingstoke.)


Friends at Walsall have sent us details of a month’s campaign conducted by Mr. W. Chilcott, of Cheddar, on the Delves Housing Estate, some time ago.

The arrangements were in the hands of a band of enthusiastic young men, acting in fellowship with the Caldmore Assembly. For two months beforehand the ground was prepared by prayer, open-air meetings, tract distribution, and personal visits.

The Evangelist was greatly helped in the powerful and faithful presentation of the Gospel message. Although adults were difficult to reach, young people came in good numbers and some professed faith in Christ. The children’s meetings were exceptionally good and resulted in an increased attendance at the Assemblies’ Sunday Schools at Caldmore and Milton Street.


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