Reports of Gospel Work

We shall be verily guilty if we shut our eyes to the stubborn and uncomfortable fact that the percentage of real believers in this country is appallingly small. Britain urgently needs to be evangelised and we commend to the prayerful interest of the Lord’s people the labours of the men whose reports will appear on this page from month to month. These men have gone forth in faith looking to the Lord alone for His guidance. The promoters of this Magazine accept no responsibility for them and make no contribution to their financial support.


Age and ill-health oblige me to take up less strenuous work than once I did but I find it very profitable to spend the summer months in personal evangelism in the villages, and the winter months keeping in touch by correspondence. The Lord is at work in some of the out-of-the-way places where the simple Gospel seems almost unknown. At a mid-day service for farm workers, the farmer listening behind a haystack was convicted of sin and decided for the Lord. He opened his house for meetings, and his wife and daughter, and one or two others were saved. When later I baptised four of them in a sheep-dipping pool, the Vicar was present, and after several interviews with him he accepted the Lord. He intends to be baptised and to resign his position to take up work in another county in charge of some mission work with freedom to preach a full Gospel. This is only one of many instances of quiet unspectacular work for the Master in our needy villages. (G. D. Comber – Weymouth.)


We opened at Bramford Speke and three young women decided for Christ the first night. During the fort­night several of the young people, as well as a young woman and her aged mother, yielded to the Saviour. At Thorverton an aged man was stricken down with conviction of sin and, with his wife, trusted Christ. About 18 of the young people professed faith in the Saviour. Two young women who came the first night said they would not come again as the message was too straight, but they did come again and on the last Sunday night came back when the tent was closed and yielded to Christ. Christians were awak­ened and the whole village stirred. The tent was then taken to Stoke Canon. (Ezekiel Smith – Exeter.)


Work among boys and girls continues to give much encouragement. It is still possible to get a crowded hall in districts where there are plenty of children living, though one feels that children over eleven years of age are feeling the pull of the world and “counting the cost” before turning to the Lord. Yet it has been a joy to point several to Christ recently. How they need our prayers and efforts these days. At Wensum Hall, Norwich, several boys and girls professed faith in Christ. Mr. Swinstead gave valuable help in the Tent Mission at Tintinhull, near Yeovil. There were nearly 50 children at most of the meetings – about half being London evacuees. Most of these have now returned home – some, we trust, with God’s great gift. We praise God for the opportunity of reaching these. We believe several of the village children were blessed too, Adult meetings varied in attendance – from 12 to 30 in the week, and from 35 to 40 on Lord’s Days. Local believers rallied round well. (T. G. Moore – Devizes.)


For some months the live Assembly at Ebenezer Hall, Bristol, had been anticipating their Tent Campaign by much prayer and ardent preparation. The attend­ances at all the meetings were good except for the Mondays. On the four Sundays the tent was packed and each night, when weather permitted, many listened through the loud speaker. Owing to the General Election the men’s meetings were not so well attended as on former occasions, but alert and critical companies listened to the Gospel presented through topical subjects. Some professed and time will show if really “ born from above.” Special follow-up meet­ings have been arranged. Selected speakers give special addresses and time is allowed for questions. (Luther Rees – Lapford.)


During the course of our labours in the villages we were brought into contact with a young woman whose faith in Eternal things had become bankrupt whilst passing through one of our large universities. Highly educated and capable of penetrating thought and forceful argument, we found delight in many spirited discussions of Spiritual subjects and earnest contention for the Faith. Under God’s gracious hand, we rejoiced to see the dawning of a new faith, and great was our joy when this young enquirer professed faith in Christ, sought baptism in obedience to His command, and was received into the Fellowship of the local Assembly. One time reporter on the staff of one of the large London daily papers, M.A. of Manchester University, she has now the responsibility for the Scriptural in­struction of the young boys at the school where she is teaching. These boys are being prepared for entrance into our large Public Schools and will soon be passing on there. Who can form any just appreciation of the final out­come of such a work, commenced in village visitation? (Edward W. Spender – Taunton.)


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