Request Clear Answers (Leaflet)

Keep this leaflet for reference,

You will probably need it.

If any man or woman tries to sell you religious books or to engage you in religious conversation

REQUEST CLEAR ANSWERS to three questions

(1) Do you believe in the Deity of Christ?

(2) Do you believe that Christ’s death on the cross was a full and sufficient sacrifice for sin?

(3) Do you believe in the actual bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead?

REFUSE TO LISTEN to the person who tries to evade or explain away such straightforward and simple questions. Any true servant of Christ will welcome such questions and will be delighted to answer all three with a definite and emphatic “YES.”

Of the scores of Scriptures which might be quoted on these points we give a small selection overleaf.

RESIST SUBTLE ATTEMPTS which may be made to make these Scriptures mean something different from what they say.

Look up these Scriptures and consider them for yourself.

REJECT TEACHING which denies these fundamental truths; it is deceptive and ANTI-CHRISTIAN

(P. T. O.)


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