The Life and Times of Gideon

Gideon seemed a very unlikely candidate for God’s service! His father worshipped Baal, and his family was among the poorest in Manasseh: on his own confession, he was of little consequence in that poor family, v. 15. Religiously, and socially, he had no pedigree! But as ever, God’s choice was independent of background or status. He used Isaiah who was happily married to a prophetess, Isa. 8. 3, and Hosea whose marriage was fragile, Hos. 1. 2. He called Jeremiah, a young bachelor, Jer. 1. 6; 16. 2, and Ezekiel who became a widower during his ministry, Ezek. 24. 15-18. He chose Daniel, a prince, Dan. 1. 3, 6, and Amos, a herdsman, Amos 1. 1. He commissioned the ‘unlearned and ignorant’ Peter, Acts 4. 13, and Paul, schooled at the feet of Gamaliel, Acts 22. 3. These men were all different, different as to marital status, social standing, and educational opportunities, yet God used them all; God’s servants are not clones! Background and status neither qualify nor disqualify us from being useful to Him. See yourself as having potential for His service.

A Busy Man

As with others throughout Scripture, Gideon was busy when God called him. He was not caring for sheep as was Moses, Exod. 3. 1, or ploughing as was Elisha, 1 Kgs. 19. 19, or casting a net like Simon and Andrew, Matt. 4. 18, but he was busy! God never uses lazy men. Gideon was threshing wheat, doing it in a secretive way to hide it from the Midianites, v. 11. Remember, Midian means ‘strife’, and when strife deprives God’s people of their food, it is more necessary for believers to read, meditate, and study for themselves. It was wheat he was threshing, and not the inferior barley! ‘Fed … with the finest of the wheat’, Ps. 81. 16. If you are earnest in seeking spiritual nourishment for yourself, you will never be disappointed. ‘As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word’, 1 Pet. 2. 2.

[Extracted from Present Truth magazine, Volume 16 Number 181]


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