
Gloucester is a city with a well–known record in the history of our land, with which you arc no doubt well acquainted. It was in this famous old place that I spent my schooldays, and amongst the most interesting things that I remember are being shown the remaining portion of the old Roman wall that once encircled the area and one of the huge iron gates that were opened at sunrise and closed at sunset in the days when law and order were not of the high standard that we enjoy to–day. Both of these ancient and interesting relics can still be seen at the museum there, but the one well–known attraction that gave me the greatest pleasure as a child was the unique clock at the Cross in the centre of the city.

It is still there above a jeweller’s shop and occupies the whole of the first floor. Four large lifelike figures, representing an Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman and a Welsh woman attired in National Dress, each stand behind a bell with a hammer in the right hand. At each quarter of the hour, the ‘ Westminster ‘ chimes are sounded as each one raises the right arm and brings the hammer down, striking the bell. In the centre of these figures majestically stands” Father Time," with his hands holding a roc) which seems to disappear into the door above. This rod tolls a bell in the upper portion of the building and, as each hour passes, Father Time solemnly records with dull booms the time of the day or night. You must not fail to see this clock in action if and when you go to Gloucester.

But whilst it is very interesting to observe, its dull booms forcibly remind us of the swift passage of Time, as hour after hour passes away into eternity.

TIME: Do you realize how quickly it passes by? The Psalmist said” Remember how short my time is” and Job said” My days art; swifter than a weaver’s shuttle.” (Ask your parents to explain to you how quickly the shuttle flies from side to side in the weaver’s loom.) Job also said that his days “had passed away like the swifl ships.” (When you have been at the seaside on holiday, have you seen the large liners speeding along and noticed how quickly they disappear on the horizon?)

Boys and Gills, let us all think carefully over the words of Hosea the prophet when he said” It is time to seek the Lord.” When mother says to you” It is time to go to school," she means that the moment has arrived for you to commence the journey; has not the moment come in your lifetime when you must give attention to the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ by accepting Him as your Saviour, and thus commence your journey to Heaven?


The Senior Prize goes to Margaret Greenacre, of Upton, Norfolk, for a very complete and well–arranged entry; Rosemary Prouten was a very close second. The Junior Prize goes to Barbara Singleton (11) of Plumstead; Anne Smith. (7) did well for so young an entrant in this more difficult competition.

“When I Think How They Crucified My Lord"

After the Lord Jesus was KISSED by Judas … Matt. 26. 49; Mark 14. 45; Luke 22.47;

(1) SEIZED AND BOUND by the band with swords and staves; … Matt. 50; Mark 46; Luke 54; John 18. 12;

(2) FALSELY ACCUSED. QUESTIONED AND STRUCK IN THE FACE, before Annas and Calaphas; Matt. 59–66; Mark 55–64; Luke 66–71; John 13, 19–24;

(3) SPAT UPON, BUFFETED, BLIND FOLDED, STRUCK ON THE FACE with the palms of their hands and MOCKED by the High Priest’s guard … Matt. 67, 68; Mark 65; Luke 63, 64;

(4) BOUND, led away and delivered to
Pilate, who, after questioning, sent Him to Herod; … Matt. 27. 2; Mark 15. 1; Luke 23. 1, 7; John 28;

(5) SET AT NOUGHT, MOCKED AND ARRAYED IN A GORGEOUS ROBE by Herod and his men of war and, after long questioning and vehement accusations, sent back to Pilate; … Luke 8–11;

(6) SCOURGED by Pilate, after further questioning, brought forth to the people and delivered to be crucified; … Matt. 11–26; Mark 6–15; Luke 13–25; John 19. 1, 4–16;

(7) STRIPPED, CLOTHED in a scarlet (purple) robe, given a CROWN OF THORNS on His head and a reed in His right hand, MOCKED, SPAT UPON, STRUCK with their hands and SMITTEN on the head with the reed, STRIPPED AND DRESSED in His own garment, by the Roman soldiers; … Matt. 27–31; Mark 16–20; John 2, 3;

(8) made to CARRY HIS CROSS part of the way; … John 17;

(9) CRUCIFIED; … Matt. 35; Mark 24; Luke 34; John 23. 24;

(10) His garments parted by lot amongstthe soldiers; … Matt. 35; Mark 24; Luke 34; John 23, 24;

(11) REVILED by passers–by, MOCKED by religious leaders and soldiers, RAILED on by the thief; … Matt. 39–44; Mark 29–32; Luke 35–39;

(12) PIERCED through the side by the soldier’s spear, after death; … John 34;

HIS BODY was then taken by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, wrapped in linen with spices, and laid in the new sepulchre … Matt. 57–60; Mark 42–46; Luke 50–53; John 38–42;

(The giving of wine, or vinegar, and during the Crucifixion, was an act of mercy and, not like the rest, of abuse) … Matt. 34, 48; Mark 23, 36; Luke 36; John 29;


"Finding a Wife"

All the men in the list below had wives whose names are given in the book mentioned. See if you can find them all. Copy out the list; put the wife’s name against each of them; if you are over 12 years of age, add the chapter arid verse in which you find it. (If you are under 12. you need not do this.) Send your entry, with your name, address and age, to Mr. T. J. Lawson, 148 Greenway Road, Taunton, Somerset, so as to reach him by Saturday, 26th May. Prizes will be given for the best answers from those under and over 12 on 1st May.

Adam (Genesis)

Abraham (Genesis)

Isaac (Genesis)

Joseph (Genesis)

Moses (Exodus)

Amram (Numbers)

Boaz (Ruth)

Nabal (1 Samuel)

Uriah (2 Samuel)

Ahab (1 Kings)

Zacharias (Luke)

Cleophas (John)

Ananias (Acts)

Aquila (Acts)

A. L.


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