Rahab – Encountering the woman snatched from destruction

Paperback, 80pp. Published by Day One Publications, Ryelands Road, Leominster HR6 8NZ, UK. Price £5.00. ISBN 978-1-84625-135-1.

This is part of the Face2Face series of books edited by Simon Robinson. As its title suggests, it covers the scriptural record of Rahab, both in terms of the New Testament as well as the Old Testament passages. In just eleven short chapters Hughes handles the life of this remarkable individual and has much to say that is of profit.

Although some may demur with the author’s use of the New International Version throughout, his lines of study are refreshing and direct. In asking the question, ‘Why Rahab?’, Hughes rightly observes, ‘There are many more important, illustrious and, to be fair, less dubious characters from the ancient world who … are ignored’. Yet, as he later points out, ‘God does not only forgive; He does far more than that. God is able to use … His people to bring to fruition His eternal purposes – whatever their background and their baggage’.

The format of the book is very much in the modern study guide genre. As such, it lays the foundation of the passage to be read, the points to be considered, issues and scriptures for further study and matters for discussion. This reviewer did not share the writer’s view on judgement. Equally, some may be unhappy with the author’s views on ‘faith markers’. However, these should not be allowed to detract from a book that can challenge and encourage the reader.


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