The Word and the Spirit

Hardback, 240pp. Published by Evangelical Press, Faverdale North Ind. Est., Darlington, DL3 0PH. Price £9.95, ISBN 0 85234 545 3.

This book is a collection of ten sermons preached by Charles Spurgeon on the theme of the Holy Spirit. Michael Daly’s task has been to edit these sermons for today’s readers.

For some who have collected the voluminous writings of this nineteenth-century preacher, this book will be welcomed. Spurgeon was obviously an eloquent preacher. There are particular gems that are worth repeating, especially given the context in which Spurgeon preached. For example, this reviewer was surprised to find a reference to the autonomy of the local church when Spurgeon stated, ‘Although much inclined to a Presbyterian union among our churches, I perceive in holy scripture that each church is separate and distinct from every other church’. Equally, in balanced terms he states, ‘We must watch … lest we fight the Lord’s battles with Satan’s weapons, and so even from love to God and his truth, violate the unity of the Spirit’. From a man who was known as ‘the prince of preachers’ it is worth recording his words about preachers, ‘We shall never have master-preachers among us till we see men who have been with Jesus, and have learned of Him’. However, although there are some helpful points, this is not a book from which the reader will glean much detail on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. There are sections on the mysteries of the Church of Rome and the preacher’s dispute with the Evangelical Alliance which have little significance or relevance for many readers of this magazine.


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