Treasury of Bible Doctrine

Edited by J. Heading and C. E. Hocking. 468 pages with indices, (see rear cover).

The need in our day for a clear re-statement of “those things most surely believed among us" is always apparent. Vagueness in understanding of truth is too often evident among Christians today. In this book the editors have gathered together a wealth of exposition of essential doctrines. The division of the book into seven clear divisions makes it a useful work of reference. Authors are here from both past and present. The two opening chapters could perhaps have been used as introductory to the book. They highlight the essential of sound doctrine correctly expressed. The section on Scripture Doctrine is brief but adequate. The accuracy, inspiration, sufficiency and unity of the Scriptures are dealt with. Christ’s testimony to the Scriptures and the value of faith in the Word close the section fittingly.

Three main sections deal with Godhead Doctrines, and these form the “meat" of the work. It is impressive to find these doctrines, which are so much in question today, boldly and unquestionably stated against the background of scriptural terminology–always a safe ground in dealing with matters relating to Deity. The love and appreciation of Divine Persons make some of the shorter chapters sweet to read. We are made to feel that we cannot touch such precious truths without the fragrance of them being shed abroad. Yet other chapters strongly defend vital truth from the Scriptures in the face of unbelieving questions. Here is a vast field of truth for the Bible student to study comprehensively. The section dealing with the Doctrine of the Fall of Man is brief and leaves us feeling we would have liked more. The Doctrine of Original Sin and the Devil’s Work of Evil are clearly dealt with as is the truth of Repentance. All that is said is vital to the Gospel.

The section dealing with the Doctrine of the Believer’s Blessedness is fine indeed. A comprehensive coverage is given to words which describe those glorious things which accompany salvation. An understanding of these affects the well-being of the saint in time and eternity. We can find the sweetness that satisfies and the strength of doctrine that establishes. Fore-knowledge, Election and Predestination begin the section–Glorification ends it. The final section gives an orderly presentation of eschatological truth. It is good to follow the clear stages of Divine Activity culminating in the Eternal State. The whole book is linked together by two valuable indices which make references to scriptures dealt with and subjects explained easy to find. Here is a worthy companion to Church Doctrine and Practice. A.T.S.

Readers may care to note that a last minute decision was made to bind a limited number of books with hard-case covers. These are now available costing 60p more than the soft-cover edition.


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