What the Bible Teaches: Volume 4. 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians

What the Bible Teaches: Volume 4. 1 Corinthians, by J. Hunter; 2 Corinthians, by A. McShane. Published by John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 427pp., £9.50.

This latest volume in Ritchie’s New Testament Commentaries continues the high standard of exposition found in previous volumes. Each exposition is prefaced with a useful introduction which, as well as covering the circumstances surrounding the writing of these Epistles, includes a short bibliography and a detailed outline of the books. The text used is that of the Authorised Version. In 1 Corinthians, it is heartening to find matters relating to church order and gathering dealt with faithfully and fully by the author. This includes a clear restatement of truths which are being disregarded by many today. We can commend the book wholeheartedly to any who seek guidance in these things. Each Epistle has a verse-by-verse commentary, and detailed notes on the text are given at the end of each chapter. The style of the authors, we are glad to say, is not coldly technical, but warm and practical, revealing a maturity of spiritual understanding. As the preface says, “May the sound teaching of these commentaries be used by our God to the blessing of His people”.


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