Articles for the Issue –

1988 Volume 39 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
Book Reviews in this Issue
115pp. £1.95, plus p. & p. John Ritchie, Ltd, Kilmamock. This small book, attractively produced, is a publication in book form of two series of articles which appeared in the Believer’s Magazine. …
102 pp. £2.50 plus p. & p. John Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock. This valuable writing, first published in 1955, is a welcome reprint of a book which is a comprehensive guide to matters relating to assem…
Desk Diary, £3.45. Pocket Diary, £2.80, Sunday School & Children’s Diary, 85 pence. For post and packing add 50p. Professional Book Services, Acorn House, Salisbury Road, Bath BA1 6QX. The objecti…
96 pp. £3.25 incl. p. & p. Available from Professional Book Services, Acorn House, Salisbury Road, Bath, BA1 6QX. This is an unusual book, written by a world renowned expert in the international s…

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