Children’s Pages

Note, for over four years Messrs. T. J. Lawson and H. E, Pope have together conducted the Section which embraces the pages for boys and girls and for seniors.

Last month Mr. Pope left Taunton to take up a teaching appointment at Nuneaton and we quite expect that many boys and girls in the Midlands, who have regularly read these pages, will have the opportunity of meeting him sooner or later.

Unfortunately it means that in view of the distance between Nuneaton and Taunton, he will now find it difficult to consult with his colleague, and we are afraid therefore that, whilst we know he will retain his interest in “Precious Seed,” we shall be unable to count on receiving the same amount of help that he has so willingly given these four years past. The future of the Children’s Page is therefore uncertain, but we will let our readers know, as soon as possible, what has been decided.

All our readers will join with us in wishing Mr, and Mrs. Pope every happiness and blessing in their new sphere, and in acknowledging the valuable service rendered to the magazine. – Editors.


“The Word of God in Psalm 119”

You probably know that Psalm 119 is the longest of the Psalms. A letter of the Hebrew alphabet heads each section, and each verse in that section begins, in the Hebrew, with that letter. The main theme of the Psalm is God’s Word: it is mentioned in almost every verse, but under a number of different terms. See how many of these you can find in the Psalm, and how many times each of them is used. Arrange them in a list, in alphabetical order – with the number of times it occurs after each word. Send your list, by October 2nd, to Mr. T. J. Lawson, 148 Greenway Road, Taunton, Somerset.

Prizes will be given for the best entries from those under and over 12 years of age on that date – so put your age on your entry.



“Broken Commandments”

There was a very small entry for this competition – perhaps you did not have enough time, or perhaps it was too difficult 1

George McKee (14) of Dromore sent in a very good list, which wins a prize. Some reward will also be sent to Catherine Robinson (14) of Sunderland, and to Jean Loosemore (11 1/2) of Leicester.

A list of Broken Commandments is given below though it is probably not complete.

T. J. L.

1. Israel, in Gideon’s time Judges 5. 10; 8. 33, 34 King Ahab and his subjects1 Kings 18. 31, 32

The people of Ephesus Acts 19. 24-28

2. Aaron and Israel – The Golden Calf Exodus 32. 1-21 Gideon’s Golden Ephod Judges 8, 27 Jeroboam and the Ten Tribes-Two

Calves 1 Kings 12. 26-30

Maachah2 Chronicles 15. 16 The Gentiles Romans 1. 21-25

The Athenians Acts 17. 16, 23

The Ephesians Acts 19. 24-28

3. Son of Israelitish Woman and

Egyptian Leviticus 24.11

People of Israel Hosea 4. 2

Peter in his Denial Mark 14. 71

4. Israelites, looking for Manna Exodus 16. 27-30 A man gathering sticks Numbers 15. 32-36

5.Eli’s sons1 Samuel 2. 24. 25

People in Last Days 2 Timothy 3. 2

6.Cain (Abel)Genesis 4. 8

Joab (Abner)2 Samuel 3. 27

Herod (Infants) Matthew 2. 16

Herod (John the Baptist) Mark 6. 27-29

7. David and Bathsheba 2 Samuel 11. 3-5 Herod and Herodias Mark 6. 18 Woman brought to Jesus John 8. 3, 4

8. EveGenesis 3. 6

JacobGenesis 27. 36

Achan Joshua 7. 21

9. Sons of Belial against Naboth1 Kings 21. 13

False Witnesses against Jesus Mark 14. 56-59

10. Achan (treasure in Jericho) Joshua 7. 21

Ahab (Naboth’s vineyard) 1 Kings 21. 1-4

Gehazi (Naaman’s gold)2 Kings 5. 20


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