Gospel Work and Other Activities

All that is true is being challenged today, including those truths concerning the person and work of the Lord, together with the authority of the Word of God. The press, both national and local, provides one of the media for such attacks, yet this also provides an opportunity for believers to reply.

As a result of a letter a brother in Lancashire wrote to the press upholding the authority of the Scriptures and inviting readers to write to him for a free copy of John’s Gospel, he was able to send out a goodly number of copies, some to quite a distance. Correspondence resulted with some of those receiving the Gospels.

Will you take up your pen when error is propagated in this way in your district? All of us have a duty to “earnestly contend for the faith”.

Northern Ireland.

Believers from the assemblies around Omagh, Co. Tyrone, took a real interest in special meetings conducted by J. Martin. They were rewarded for bringing their families when a number of their children professed faith in the Saviour. It proved very difficult to get the folk from the town to attend.

For the first three months of this year J. Thompson and J. Hawthorne preached in the Harryville Gospel Hall, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Here also it was hard work among the local people but through much visitation a number did attend and some of these were among those who spoke of being saved.

J. Brown, assisted by local brethren, was responsible for special meetings in the little town of Moneymore. Although a Sunday School has been carried on in this hall there have been no special Gospel meetings for many years. Good support was received from believers in the surrounding area, and one local woman was saved, as well as others who were mainly from the families of believers.

For many years a good Gospel interest has been maintained by the assembly in the little town of Dromore, Co. Down, and God has again and again given times of blessing. Recently A. McShane and N. Turkington had another effort there and all were encouraged not only by well attended gatherings but also by a number professing salvation.

R. McLuckie held special meetings in Newcastle. Although numbers were fairly good throughout there were no known cases of conversion.

In Belfast meetings were held by A. Lyttle and S. McBride in the Cregagh St. Gospel Hall. The assembly was helped and of the good numbers who came a few professed to be saved.

S. Jennings preached to good numbers during special meetings in the Donegall Road Hall.

S. Thompson and R. Walker had several weeks of special Gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall at Dundonald, a fast developing residential area on the outskirts of Belfast. The interest and numbers were the best that the assembly had seen for some years, and several professed to have accepted the Saviour.


Special gatherings led by P. Harding at Foxlydiate Gospel Hall, Redditch, during February, brought a very good response from the children. Many were reached who did not attend Sunday School, and several of the young folk professed salvation. Only a few adults heeded the invitation but many were visited in their homes. One man who was seriously ill was led to a knowledge of the Saviour after a number of visits, and he died during the night following his salvation. This illustrates the importance of every reader making sure that at this very moment they are ready for heaven, fit to stand before a holy God because they have trusted in His Son as their Saviour.


S. Ford, assisted by H. Williamson, held a short mission of nine days duration at Falmouth. Despite some poor weather there were good numbers, this no doubt being helped by door to door visitation. At times the hall was packed with children, and the work has continued since with good results. It is understood that a number were concerned about their spiritual state as they listened to the faithful preaching of the Gospel. It is hoped to hold a similar series of meetings in July.


Kincardine is a rapidly growing township on the upper reaches of the Forth but as yet there is no assembly testimony. D. Barnes preached in a portable hall during March and although numbers were few the meetings proved encouraging. There were never less than four unsaved present, while on the Lord’s Days there were up to nine. A man and a woman professed to have exercised faith in the Saviour and others were exercised about eternal things. An average of twenty-five children came each night.


Three older folk were saved during an effort lasting for nearly six weeks conducted by H. Burness in Loan Hall, Stevenston. One of these was a woman who had regularly attended the Gospel Hall since the last special effort. Her husband was later pointed to the Saviour in their own home.

G. Waugh and J. Hay held eight meetings in a public hall in Monkton during February. Some interest was shown and one or two have found their way to Bute Hall, Prestwick, on Lord’s Day evenings. It is sad to report that the support from the Lord’s people was disappointing.

The believers at Annbank have opened a new hall, and over forty local folk came to the opening night for the villagers. Ayrshire assemblies are now comparatively well housed, this being the fourteenth to move into a new building since the war, while another four or five have carried out considerable reconstruction.


Senior Citizen Meetings were referred to in the previous issue. In this shire such meetings have proved the most successful means of getting older folk to hear the Gospel. A number of assemblies have engaged in this sphere of activity and at least three have had a tremendous response. Some halls were not able to hold at one sitting all who were willing to come and one assembly had to arrange three successive meetings. Another assembly held two meetings with over ninety present each night, many of them being Roman Catholics. Written invitations were personally delivered to every home where old folks lived with a reply form attached which was personally called for. On the nights in question cars were available to bring them to the hall, and the impression created in the area was to the glory of God.

We need to remind ourselves that faith and knowledge without works are dead.


The assemblies at Mauldeth Road and Shaftesbury Chapel, Manchester, were encouraged to see young believers obeying their Lord by passing through the waters of baptism. “If a man love me he will keep my words.”

Hospitals and Old Folks Homes.

A large number of assemblies include in their round of activities the visiting of the sick or elderly in either hospital or old people’s home, or maybe both. Such visits are normally appreciated and provide opportunities for personal contact and discussion. Visitors and staff often hear the Gospel through such visits. Is such a work carried on in your locality? If not, why not?


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