Introducing the New Magazine

This Magazine owes its inception to the strong conviction of several brethren in the South-West, that conditions today call for renewed attention to New Testament Church Principles and for revived interest in the important and widespread Gospel work carried on in fellowship with the Assemblies.

We firmly believe, not only that there is a definite responsibility upon Christians to follow the New Testament pattern in Church life and service, but that when spiritual conditions are right this has in fact proved, and always will prove to be, the very best method for building up a healthy and vigorous assembly life, maintaining a clear and pure witness to the Truth of God, promoting true unity, and encouraging aggressive Gospel work.

Whilst we have no intention of contending for mere human traditions which so often hinder healthy progress, we cannot forget that Paul was speaking of Assembly order when he said, “If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things I write unto you are the COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD.”

We shall aim at presenting sane and balanced exposition of Scripture in the assurance that this will commend itself to spiritual men. Contributors must be allowed a certain amount of liberty in the expression of their convictions and readers are asked not to jump to the conclusion that any one Article necessarily represents the policy of the Magazine. We trust that as time goes on it will become perfectly clear that our policy is positive and constructive – certainly not critical or controversial.

Encouraged by welcome signs that the Lord has been guiding, and by evidence of widespread sympathy with our objects, we launch this Magazine with the earnest desire that He will deign to use this unpretentious effort for His glory and the strengthening of Assembly witness in difficult days.


For several reasons we have thought it best to supply the Magazine free to those who apply to their Assembly Correspondent. This method, will reduce distribution costs, but if it is not convenient applications can be sent to the Magazine Secretary, at the above address.


The cost of production is considerable, particularly at the outset, and we invite the freewill offerings of the Lord’s people who are in sympathy with the project. Gifts can be handed to your Assembly Correspondent or sent to either of the Magazine Treasurers. Some may find it convenient to pay into the nearest Branch of the Midland Bank, to the Account of “Precious Seed Magazine,” Midland Bank, Taunton. Official receipts will be sent and periodical accounts will be rendered in the Magazine.


We ask readers to be indulgent toward the shortcomings of the Magazine in its present form, remembering that shortage of paper imposes such severe limits on the size of the Magazine that it is impossible to carry out the full programme we have in mind. When circumstances permit we purpose, if the Lord will, to increase the number of pages to allow for the inclusion of many special features which we believe will be of interest and profit, and to meet a desire for reports of Gospel work over a wider area than we can properly cover now. Until then we will try to make the best use of our limited space. Any suggestions readers can make will be welcomed.


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