
Name means: The Lard (Yahweh) is God (El). Theme: Thu Government of God.

A three-laid reference to “the Day of the Lord” divides the book into three suctions: –

1. Chaos and Calamity – Day of Desolation.

Ch. 1. 15. “Alas for the day! for the day of the Lord is at hand (is present, hen: and now).

God’s government and activity is PRESENT.

The Locust Plague is Fact – Literal.
Figurative – Parabolic.
Futurist – Prophetic.

Ch. 1 depicts the most grievous calamities of an agricultural people, and the prophet calls upon the people, princes and priests to recognize the real meaning of these calamities. It was the Day of Jehovah – God was chastening His people.

The calamities through which men pass area all under His control. God is still on the Throne.

The prophet’s appeal is a wide one – “attend ye old men; awake ye drunkards; be ashamed ye husbandmen; arm yourselves ye priests – mourning for mirth, sorrow for song, sackcloth for sacrifice, frustration for fruitfulness.

2. Continuity and Chastening Day of Deliverance.

Ch. 2. 1. “The day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand.”

God’s government and activity is PERSISTENT.

Ch. 2. The day of Jehovah was not over, if men do not learn the lessons at first He will bring yet other means, more terrible still.

Inward repentance (rend your heart …) and outward response (turn unto the Lord) will bring blessing and deliverance; for the Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and to great kindness.

3. Consummation and Cleansing – Day of Destruction.

Ch. 3. 14. “The day of the Lord is near in the valley of threshing.”

God’s government and activity is POWERFUL.

Ch. 3. The final movement is the ultimate day of Jehovah, the day of Threshing.To Joel is given the whole Divine Plan of the Ages.

Age of the Spirit. Ch. 2. 28.

Age of the Kingdom.

Ch. 3 – The Restoration of Judah and Jerusalem (v. 2)

The Recovery of lost people Israel (v. 7)

The Recompense of nations by war (v. 12)

Reigning from Zion, centre of His earthly kingdom (v. 17).

We shall be pleased to send a few spare copies of the Jan. / Feb. issue to any who can use thorn to introduce the magazine to others.


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