Cornerstone Magazine Edited by David Dunlap

On-line magazine, 20 pages, Published by Cornerstone Magazine, 30 Maricona Way, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2T 1H2. Available at:

Cornerstone Magazine was launched in January 2017 as a magazine designed for those gathered in ‘assemblies in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ’. Its stated purpose is ‘for teaching and expositing the Bible which is the Word of God, for building up the body of Christ and the edification of individual Christians, [and] for the spread of the Gospel of Christ’.

Although at the early stages of its development, the CMI editorial board, plans to publish the magazine bi-monthly, but with the hope that this will develop and grow into a monthly publication. It is distributed free of charge to all interested persons who subscribe to it through the website above and is dependent upon the free-will donations or offerings from interested Christians or local churches or assemblies. For those who may prefer it, copies can be downloaded in Adobe pdf format from the same website.

Early articles have included: When the Bible quotes the Bible, by William MacDonald; Beauty for Ashes, by Mark Kolchin; Unbounded grace, by George Ferrier; Declare the whole counsel of God, by David Dunlap; The sword of the Spirit, by Carl Knott; and The filling of the Spirit, by Rex Trogdon. Woven into that doctrinal mix of articles, there are notices of events that will be taking place, reports of assembly activity in North America, book reviews, and some assembly histories. Whilst readers in the UK will find those aspects specific to North America of only passing interest, there are ample articles to whet the appetite for further Bible study. We wish our brethren well in their exercise and trust that the magazine will be used of God to the building up of His people, and assembly testimony in North America.


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