Jacob – Supplanter to Prince with God

Jacob Supplanterto Prince with God by J. H. Laegs;. 365 pp, £6.95 plus p&p. John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH.

In this, the second Old Testament character study from the author, the outstanding feature is its comprehensiveness. A very full study is presented of the life and character of the enigma Jacob, who through grace became Israel, a prince with God. Yet we also have dovetailed in essential features concerning the lives of both Isaac and Joseph. Perhaps this is inevitable, but it is useful in studying the character of Jacob in its proper setting. Although styled a devotional work there is evident a depth of thought which leads the reader into the principles which govern the ways of God in dealing with His people. So we can appreciate the weight of the author’s years of experience in handling and teaching the scriptures. We commend this book to all who desire to explore the ways of God in the early history of the people of Israel.


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