The Lord’s Supper

“The Lord’s Supper,” by J. M. Davies. (J. M. Davies, Nellikunnu, Trichur, T.C.S., S. India.9d., postage extra.)

This is a well-written booklet on a familiar but important Subject. In dealing with this, the great open meeting of Christianity, Mr. Davies has shewn himself to be “a workman, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” A quotation from the first page will give some idea of the writer’s purpose : “As the ‘Breaking of Bread’ or ‘The Lord’s Supper’ occupied a place of central importance in the gatherings of the churches in apostolic days and later, it is essential that we should humbly and diligently inquire into the teaching of Scripture relative to it. We shall consider the subject in the form of questions and answers.” Having a well-informed and logical mind, this the writer proceeds to do most effectively. Here we have a clear and comprehensive exposition of a subject dear to the hearts of all true believers. We gladly commend this little book to our readers. Should the circulation be equal to its merit, the writer will have no reason to complain.


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