God and the Nations, by Harry Lacy

God and the Nations, by Harry Lacy; Paper back, 168 pages plus indices; £1.35 plus 13p. postage. Ritchie, Kilmarnock.

The republication of this book, after so many years, is a fitting tribute to the ministry of our late brother, Harry Lacy. Many of us remember him as a brother who gave help and blessing to many young students of the Word. Reflecting his faithful ministry to the saints during the war years, it was singularly relevant to the situation in 1942 when the book was first published. Yet a re-reading of it convinces that the contents are still as relevant today — perhaps even more so. “This is God’s world, not man’s”, p. 15: these words set the tone of that which is expressed regarding God’s relationship with human affairs. The book is distinctly scriptural throughout, yet decidedly topical in its handling of many moral and spiritual problems linked with the course and final destiny of this world. The outline of the subject of “Divine Visitation” in four separate chapters is most helpful and the section dealing with the “End of the Age” has much in it to provoke thought. Here is a reprint which stimulates study in the Scriptures dealing with those truths which have to do with divine involvement in human affairs. In style, the book is readable and the Scripture references are gathered together with subjects dealt with to form two useful indices at the end of the book. An atmosphere pervades the whole, which reflects the godly ministry of the author, who helped so many in his time.


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