Author –

R. E Harlow
Book Reviews by this Author
The books are verse-by-verse explanations of the two Epistles, and are written in the simpler style that marks many of the books available from Everyday Publications. As such, they are suitable for yo…
£1.60. Plus 20p post. 56 pages. Published by Every Day Publications. With all that is being taught about our Lord Jesus Christ today, the truths centred around His Person and Work cannot too often b…
$2.95 or £1.15 (plus 10% postage). 88 pages. The book represents in simpler style a commentary on Hebrews, with every verse explained and commented upon. Young believers will obtain a lot of help fr…
(126 pages; $3.85 or £1.90). Pithy and spiritual comments on every proverb. Chs. 1-9; 30-31 are treated in order, by verse and by paragraph. Chs. 10-29 are treated by subjects, every proverb being c…
120 pages, $3.95. Published by Everyday Publications Inc., 421, Nugget Avenue, Unit 2, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, or from Roy Wood, 8 Beaconsfield Road, Beacon Park, Plymouth, U.K. It is good to …
£1.40. Plus 20p post. 48 pages. Published by Every Day Publications. We commend this book for its conciseness and comprehensiveness. It deals in a practical way, through twelve chapters, with New Te…
23 pages; 40p. From Roy Wood, 94 Alma Road, Plymouth, U.K. (Add 10% postage). Published by Everyday Publications, Toronto, Canada. In the first book, the three authors helpfully and solidly tackle a…
$0.50 or 20p (plus 10% postage). 12 pages. The book is a tract on an important subject; Scripture is spiritually adhered to, so as to show the Lords will for the service of sisters.…
The Prophet Isaiah, R. E. Harlow, 304 pp, £3.60 plus p&p. Everyday Publications Inc. Obtainable from Roy Wood, 38 Dovedale Road, Beacon Park Plymouth PL2 2RS This is an attractive commentary, in…

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