IT WOULD BE RECKLESS, rather than bold, to venture on any prediction as to what 1962 holds in store for the world. Even when writing only a few weeks ahead of publication there is the risk that commen…
The Link with Revelation 13.
In just the same way as the book of Daniel traces the end times in several different ways, so too does the book of Revelation. We have already stated that chapters 6-11 sh…
The Task of a Trustee is a very important work, and is supported by a legal document known, for example, as a Trust Deed. The trustees may be responsible for money, for a building such as a Gospel Hal…
The blessed request of the lord to ‘feed my sheep’ continues to be heard by all those called by Him to ‘feed the church of God’. As the risen Lord, He calls and equips many to serve in this field; in …
The study of a character in Holy Scripture can be very rewarding, since New Testament principles are thereby clothed with illustrations of a practical nature. Lesser known characters often demand a de…
It is the privilege of believers to engage in much varied spiritual activity according to the precept and example of the New Testament. But at what stage of their spiritual growth do believers start t…
The First Epistle to the Corinthians presents a balanced fare for the Lord’s servants in a local assembly. Chapters 1-4 and 11-14 form the two great sections on service. The second section, chs. 11-14…
Outwardly, Peter might have had an advantage over Paul, since he had experienced directly the years of the Lord’s ministry on earth. From the parables in Matthew 13. 31-33, 39, Peter would learn that …
Gospel initiative and zeal demand that the preacher, as well as presenting salvation, should also present the alternative, namely the final judgment at the great white throne. Nothing is hid that shal…
In the same way as a growing plant botanically and the solar system astro-nomically show structure, so also do the epistles. Hence from the broad out-lines down to the study of individual thoughts and…
Do our prayers at home after the morning reading of Scripture, or dur-ing the assembly prayer meetings, tend to become formal without real exer-cise before the throne of grace? Having listened to othe…
The apostle Paul attracted around himself men of like outlook and character. Timothy and Silas had been deliberately chosen by the apostle, while others such as Apollos, Aquila and Priscilla chose to …
The King having entered His own city to be crucified, He now uses various opportunities to show the true state of the Jewish nation as a whole, and of the Gentiles who would be brought in under grace.…
A paper for detailed study
The study of genealogies in the Bible is very rewarding. Such a study keeps us occupied with the Word in great detail, providing incentive for further study and profitable r…
When we give something to someone else, it does not usually fall upon us to guard that thing afterwards!
However, with God things are different. In John 17. 23,24, the Lord Jesus speaks of the love th…
To contemplate the greatness of the Lord is to recognize the exalted status of the Son of God, and to under-stand the lowly position that man occupies here on earth. Gabriel had announced to Mary that…
Introductory Remarks to the next Great Event. Having traced the greatfeatures of decline and restoration leading to ultimate rejection of Christ-endom by the Lord, a great decision must now be taken b…
It is good to thirst after nearness to the living God. The same exercise is found in Psalms 42, 63 and 84. “My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God”, 42. 2, said the psalmist, desiring to appear…
Following the series of papers entitled “The Lord’s Servants and their Service” by K. T. C. Morris, we now propose to commence a series showing how many of these principles are worked out in practice.…
Second Corinthians not only contains a direct reference to “epistles of commendation”, 3.1, but two of its major sections are in themselves examples of letters of commendation. Paul was journeying to …
The Gospel by Matthew, the book of the Acts, the Epistles to the Romans and the Hebrews, and the book of the Revelation are particularly rich in direct quotations from, a…
To the apostle John, the world was a most unpleasant thing. In its moral, religious and political aspects the world can sap away the spiritual affections and energies of the saints, if they allow them…
The city of Jerusalem was built upon four hills, mount Zion lying towards the south-west and mount Moriah towards the east. Immediately on the east outside the city in the valley of Jehoshaphat, flowe…
There are good parents and bad parents, good children and bad children; obviously these can be combined in four ways, and examples can be given from the Scriptures that illustrate these four possible …
The two Epistles to Timothy differ considerably in their objectives and subject matter. The first Epistle deals with the practical walk of believers in a local assembly, this walk being based on whole…
This section continues the practical part of the Epistle, and is spiritually consistent with the doctrinal part presented in earlier chapters. Here, Paul uses the highest spiritual concepts in order t…
In those days, it may be difficult for us to appreciate the truth behind the message in these verses. Yet if we do understand it, we may not thrill in our souls as the early believers must have done. …
Paul had considered the Christian’s warfare before, its nature not being after the flesh, and its weapons not being carnal, 2 Cor. 10. 1-5. This therefore eliminates the validity of the so-called Chri…
The daily life of a believer is not independent of the doctrine that he holds nor of the service that takes place in the local assembly. The conduct of a Christian should be quite distinct from that o…
In this section, Paul continues his description of practical conduct that is consistent with the doctrine previously expounded. The divine example of forgiveness occurs in 4. 32, followed by an exhort…
The first three chapters, which deal more particularly with doctrine, cannot be separated from the practical repercussions of that doctrine. For faith is not only a matter of the heart and of knowledg…
Having dealt with the elevated truth of the counsel, purpose and will of God, stretching from the eternal past to the eternal future, Paul writes, “Wherefore”. Such truth must lead to the practical ex…
In the previous three papers, we have considered the description of the mystery, 1. 1-14, the power of the mystery, 1. 15 to 2. 10, and lastly the basis of the mystery, 2. 11-22. In chapter 3, we now …
In our previous papers diagram was included showing what we called “Prophetic Trajectories”. The reader should have this diagram available for reference as the present paper is read. Every verse of Sc…
Before considering our main subject, we shall discuss various important accessory features.
1. The Men who were Prophets
Prophets were either called by God to speak forth His mind, or else they were f…
We have seen that the great dis course given by Paul to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20. 18-35 partly forms the basis of the Epistle to the Ephesians, both regarding the counsels of God, and as perta…
Tears are a spontaneous outward emotion when the mind and soul experience grief and sorrow, and are the portion of both believer and unbeliever. The Lord’s human eyes experienced tears; He wept at the…
In the final papers of this series, we shall concentrate on the two books of Daniel and Revelation. In order to see how the various predicted events fit together, it is necessary to have a panoramic v…
In this series of nine articles, the author will present an overall survey of prophecy. The outlook adopted is that which is most surely believed amongst the saints, though any author on prophetical m…
In the beginning God created all things beautiful; the light shone upon a perfect scene revealing that all was good and that all now existed for His pleasure. But although this creation was soon darke…
In the early days of the church in Jerusalem, the new converts must have listened intently to the teaching of the apostles. Their first love for Christ, placed in redeemed hearts by the Holy Spirit, w…
In our first paper, we considered the breaking of bread in relation to spiritual priorities in the activity of a local assembly. We examined the scriptural authority for the practice of breaking bread…
In this paper we consider the four kingdoms described under various symbols in Daniel chapters 2, 7 and 8. The period of time involved stretches from the Babylonian kingdom to the state on earth just …
The word holy and its various derivatives appear to enter the description of Old Testament ceremony many more times than other words. And whereas the material aspects of these types are translated int…
We now consider the first eleven verses of this chapter, verses that centre around two Old Testament quotations relating to the King and the multitudes.
The Place, v. I. The Lord had previously said, …
READ LUKE 17. 20-37
Matthew 24 is one composite prophetical passage, spoken to the apostles on the mount of Olives during the Lord’s last week on earth before His cross. Good truth is always worth rep…
The names associated with the Lord during His sufferings must be noted.
(i) The questions asked:
“Art thou the Christ?” (the chief priests), Luke 22. 67.
“Art thou then the Son of God?” (all His accus…
The recognition of the sole sovereignty of the Lord over His people is evidently of great importance. Yet it is sadly true that this absolute Lordship has not always been recognized. In Isaiah’s day, …
ACTS 11. 19-26; 13. 1-4
In our first paper, we considered three aspects of the subjection of the believers in Antioch to the Lordship of Christ. We now consider three further aspects.
4. To “cleave un…
All the Epistles have their own distinctive messages. They contain strands of doctrine, correction and exhortation, each being relevant to the needs of the churches and individuals to whom they were w…
In this paper, we consider verses 12 to 17 of this chapter, containing the third and fourth quotation from the Old Testament.
The Temple, v. 12. As we trace the Lord entering the temple, we must reali…
The Fifth Kingdom
The intention of God throughout the ages is that His rule should be established on earth, with the Lord Jesus in control. The present declining situation in the world will never be r…
The knowledge of the coming kingdom and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ is not something known by the natural senses, for when these are operative the rational mind would conclude that ‘all things cont…
Matthew 22. 1-14 forms the last of the three parables that we are considering. The self-righteous religious Jews thought that they were in the kingdom,…
The Day of Resurrection of Believers. The commonly-held idea of a general resurrection is a doctrine not taught in Scripture. The Lord Him-self made a sharp distinction when He said, “all that are in …
by tj us title, we do not intend to be too specific; we merely refer to the years often found printed at the top of pages of the Old Testament, to the years that have passed since the Lord Jesus was h…
From Abraham to David
As time went on, Abraham had no son, though he had the promise that God would make of him a great nation, and that all families of the earth would be blessed in him, Gen. 12. 3.…
Scriptures for Prayerful Meditation
The Scriptures cannot define the Holy Trinity, yet they reveal many different phases of the unity of manifestation of the three Persons of the Godhead. The wide var…
The second parable of the trio, found in verses 33-46, shows the Lord seeking His Father’s fruit, and realising where this would ultimately be found. The parable provides…
When one Greek word is unnecessarily translated by two or more different English words (such as the pairs “right, just”, “Spirit, Ghost”, “to minister, to serve”), and when two different Greek words a…
The testimony of believers today should be no different from that recorded in the beginning in Acts 2. There, the ascended Lord had sent the Spirit for the formation of the assembly, so that individua…
It is with thankfulness that we acknowledge the goodness of God in the production and distribution of Precious Seed over the past twenty-one years. To launch a new magazine in the difficult days immed…
In our PREVIOUS paper, we firstly considered the theme of Zion as the place of God’s choice, similar in thought to the choice of the Assembly in Christ before its formation at Pentecost. Secondly, we …
(652 pages). U.K sales only, £2 from the author (address on front page). Overseas sales, $6.95 from Walterick Publishers, P.O. Box 2216, Kansas City, U.S.A., or their overseas distributors.
The auth…
110 pages. From Gospel Tract Publications, 48 York Street, Glasgow G2 8JW, or through bookshops. £1 plus 20p postage.
In living through the last days of his life, the apostle Paul looked beyond to “…
The Women of the Bible. By Herbert Lockyer, Pp. 321. 37s. 6d. Pickering & Inglis.
This valuable book represents the last of a long series of encyclopaedic works by this well-known author. The bo…
Graphic Guide to Modern Versions of the New Testament. By Herbert Dennett. pp. xiv + 142. 12s. 6d. Samuel Bagster & Sons Ltd.
This Guide is written for those who believe that the original Script…
Bishops, Priests and Deacons. By William Hoste, b.a. Pp. 184. 15s. John Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock.
This book is a ‘must’ for all the Lord’s people who love the spiritual order for service that God ha…
The Church and the churches. By W. E. Vine, M.A. Pp. 144. 12s. 6d. John Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock.
We are glad to see that a third edition of this work is now available to the Lord’s people, written …
Gospel Tract Publications, Glasgow, xiii + 376 pp. £3.95 + p. & p.
As the title suggests the author has sought to provide more than a book of daily devotional thoughts. It is obvious that this v…
£2 (including 48p postage). 288 pages. U.K. sales: from the author (address on rear cover). Canada and U.S.A.: Everyday Publications, Canada (sec rear cover), $6.50.
This book is more than just a li…
Principles of Assembly Rule as Illustrated in First Samuel by A. McShane; 67 pages; 25p. plus 9p. postage (20 copies post free), from the author, 39 Russell Drive, Lurgan, N. Ireland BT66 8HD.
To ma…
The Training of a Shepherd, by James Gunn,29 pages; 60p plus 10p postage (or $1. 50 plus 10% postage).From Roy Wood, 94 Alma Road, Plymouth, U.K., or Everyday Publications, Toronto, Canada.
A very hel…
This is a fresh commentary of more than 200 pages, published by Gospel Tract Publications, 48 York Street, Glasgow G2. Available from the author (see rear cover). Price £1 -50. Canadian and U.S.A. dis…
405 pages. U.K. sales: available from the author (see rear cover for address); £2 plus 50p postage. U.S.A. and countries with these distributors: Walterick Publishers, Kansas City, U.S.A.; $7.95.
349 pages £10.95 plus p&p. John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH
This latest volume in the series of commentaries ‘What the Bible Teaches’ is a worthy addition to a useful and sign…
Mount Zion is the most prominent mountain in Scripture, and as such it is found to be the most prolific for spiritual study. Two papers will develop its historical import; in a third paper its prophet…