The whole edifice of Christian truth and doctrine stands or falls on the validity of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is any question or doubt concerning the historical reality of t…
If Rehoboam had obeyed the letter of the law, then Abijah would never have been king! The laws of inheritance, given in Deuteronomy chapter 21, clearly stated the rights of the firstborn where a man h…
There are occasions both in the scriptures and in daily life when we come across an individual who seems to be totally devoid of moral worth; Abimelech was just such a man. It is a moot point whether …
From the dawn of time, a loving God has only asked one thing of man, His supreme creation, and that one thing is obedience. Not because He desires a servile, craven humanity, languishing under a Nebuc…
The day dawned like any other day for most of Jerusalem’s residents. As the sun rose over the ancient hills of Moab to the east of Jordan, its first rays reflected from the gilded pinnacle of Herod’s …
The Old Testament commences with seventeen books of history – Genesis to Esther, and closes with seventeen books of prophecy – Isaiah to Malachi. In between are five books – Job to Song of Solomon – w…
Wisdom is a fathomless ocean, an eternal fountain which has its source in God alone, 8. 22, 23. It was divine wisdom that brought creation into being, 3. 19. The same wisdom orders and maintains it, 8…
The first man in scripture considered to be a fool, by his own admission, was Saul the king of Israel. Saul was a man who was given privilege, time and opportunity to make something of his life. Sadly…
Time is a very precious commodity. It takes us from the cradle and charts our course through childhood to adolescence and on into adulthood. Time takes us from the school desk to the workplace. Time m…
All sin is abhorrent to the mind of God, and totally foreign to the divine nature. In view of this, it would seem perfectly reasonable to ask why is it that the sin of pride in particular calls forth …
Man is by nature an inquisitive being. There is, of course, nothing intrinsically wrong with that. It is a God-given attribute, which helps us to learn and develop through life and to acquire the know…
The righteous man occupies the central place in the book of Proverbs. He is seen as a shining example to the various characters as they move around him on the stage of life. His morally upright walk a…
We cannot fail to notice as we read through the Proverbs that the wise man is totally impartial in his dealings with the various characters brought before us. He is forthright, honest, incisive and cl…
In Matthew chapter 18, verse 20 the Lord Jesus planted a seed thought which blossomed in the book of Acts and bore fruit in the Epistles. One of the reasons given by the Lord when he called the twelve…
The last instruction given by the Lord Jesus to His own before His ascension established an order which is both spiritual and logical. ‘Go’, He said, and ‘make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…
The law from Sinai was intrinsically ‘holy, and just, and good’, Rom. 7. 12. It did, however, make rigorous demands upon those living under its jurisdiction, with penalties imposed for failure to meet…
For eighty years the land enjoyed a measure of rest after the exploits of Ehud. A whole generation grew up during the longest period of peace recorded in the times of the Judges. Yet, as we have seen …
In 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 2 the apostle Paul sets out a pattern for the progression and maintenance of the truth of scripture for succeeding generations. The ‘things which (Timothy) had learned’ wo…
EHUD – The Scourge of Moab, Judges 3. 12-30
SHAMGAR –The Slayer of Philistines, Judges 3. 31
I recall as a boy having a morbid fascination with the story of Ehud. The daring plan, the intrigue and the…
Late in the twentieth century some very clever and highly qualified scientists proposed a theory, and it was never more than a theory, suggesting that the evolutionary descent on the female side could…
There are two topics under consideration in this subject. First, we need to establish who the ‘people’ are. Then, we must seek to understand what is meant by and involved in ‘fellowship’.
According to…
If the question were asked, ‘Who are the outstanding characters in the book of Judges?’ we could not fail to think of those like Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah and Samson, and we would be right to d…
Gideon may well have been disappointed with the response when he blew his trumpet in Abiezer. True it was that the first to gather to his banner were those of his own home town; men of whom he …
Paperback, 269 pages, Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH, Scotland. ISBN: 0978-1-910513-50-7.
A cursory glance at the brief comment on the back cover of this book brought…
The closing years of the monarchy saw four young men ascend the nation’s throne. Jehoahaz was twenty-three, his brother, Jehoiakim, who succeeded him, was twenty-five. His son Jehoiachin followed at t…
It is rather unfortunate that on most occasions when thought is given to the life of Jephthah, interest is confined to opinion regarding the fate of his daughter! Chapters have been written and much i…
Introduction – Purpose and plan
The book of Joshua marks an important milestone in the history of the nation. Promise was made to Abram in Genesis chapter 12 of both a land and a nation. Abram and his…
Chaos reigned in the royal residence at Jerusalem. Amon’s brief and godless occupancy of the throne had been brought to an untimely end by his servants, fearful, maybe, of a return to the cruel and id…
The wise man in the book of Proverbs refers no fewer than fourteen times to ‘the fear of the Lord’. Among other benefits, it is ‘the beginning of wisdom’, 9. 10; it ‘prolongeth days’, 10. 27, and is ‘…
The design of the book
Among the many words of wisdom in the book of Proverbs, there are some which serve both as statements of fact and, at the same time, provide a word of warning. Chapter 13 verse …
Christianity is the very antithesis of slavery. In the first century, when this brief letter was written, slavery was endemic throughout the Roman empire. It has been suggested that as many as one thi…
The stated aims of the late 18th-century French Revolution were ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’. In order to try and achieve this, 17, 000 men, women, and children died on the guillotine and the count…
We do not know her name, her age, her appearance or her family background. All we know is that she passes before us briefly on the page of both Old and New Testaments as a salutary warning, simply kno…
If the apostle Paul, by his own admission, was the chief of sinners in the New Testament, then Manasseh could well lay claim to that dubious title in the Old Testament. It is encouraging to note, howe…
We learn from 1 Chronicles chapter 29, and from 2 Chronicles chapter 9, that Nathan the prophet recorded ‘the acts of David’ and ‘the acts of Solomon, first and last’. No doubt it would have been inte…
It is interesting to note that the Spirit of God twice records the death of Joshua, Josh. 24. 29; Judg. 2. 8. It is almost as though there is a reluctance to see this great servant of God pass from th…
The book of Judges ends in failure, departure, idolatry and judgement. The first book of Samuel opens with a barren woman, a priest whose eyes were dim and an admission of ‘no open vision’; heaven was…
From the death of Jephthah to the birth of Samson, some twentyfive years of relative peace had passed by for the nation of Israel. During that time, God raised up three men in succession to administer…
It is not difficult to understand why God would use a fearless warrior like Othniel, a patriot such as Ehud or the self-effacing Gideon; men who ‘subdued kingdoms … waxed valiant in fight, turned to f…
It was still dark, though the promise of dawn was a faint blush in the eastern sky, heralding what would be the most significant day in the history of the universe. It was cold enough to need a fire i…
Tamar is not one of the more prominent characters of scripture; she is afforded one chapter in Genesis, a verse in the book of Ruth chapter 4, a reference in 1 Chronicles chapter 2, and a mention in M…
With just ‘a little strength’, the believers at Philadelphia were not finding life easy when the apostle John conveyed to them this letter from the Lord Jesus. Their closest neighbo…
The design of the book
Among the many words of wisdom in the book of Proverbs, there are some which serve both as statements of fact and at the same time provide a word of warning. Chapter 13 verse 15…
Before you read this article just STOP! – Take a moment or two, and ask yourself the following questions:-
What does it mean to me to be in fellowship in a local assembly?
Where does the life and act…
As I write these notes in November 2023, the world focus is once again, as often before, upon the State of Israel. The response of the Israeli Defence Force to the unprovoked and murderous attack upon…
Fellowship is one of those words that we use frequently, and at times can also misuse. To a degree we all understand it, yet seldom appreciate it as we should. We speak of being ‘in fellowship’ in a c…
There is no doubt that all authority, whether in relation to heaven or earth, has been vested in the Lord Jesus; He it is who must, and will reign until all enemies are beneath His feet. He will yet b…
It is always interesting and instructive when reading the synoptic Gospels to note the details recorded by one or maybe two of the writers but omitted by others. The brief incident which occupies our …
If the book of Esther had been the work of a secular writer it would undoubtedly be termed a ‘page-turner’! The narrative draws the reader on, and even for those familiar with the story there is a com…
If it were possible to ask Peter what he considered to be his ‘finest hour’, I rather think that he would recall that unforgettable experience ‘in the holy mount’, concerning which he would later writ…
It is James who, in his epistle, underlines the fact that genuine faith will always be accompanied by appropriate works. A Joseph stands at both the entrance and the exodus of the earthly pathway of t…
Paperback, 102 pages, Published by Gospel Folio Press, 304 Killaly St. West, Port Colborne, ON L3K 6A6 Canada. ISBN 978-192752-145-8.
This is a short book amongst a number of recent very helpful boo…
Paperback, 323 Pages, Published by Precious Seed Publications, 34 Metcalfe Avenue, Killamarsh, UK. ISBN 978-1-871642-66-7.
Precious Seed Publications set themselves the very worthy task of providing…
Christian Experiences and Spiritual Growth by Winston G. Litchmore161 pages, Paperback. Published by Austin Macauley Publishers, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AA.ISBN: 978-1-398467-89-7
Paperback, 94 pages, Chapter Two, Fountain House, 3 Conduit Mews, London, SE18 7AP, United Kingdom ISBN 978-1-85307-257-4.
Programmes or articles about money are usually deadly boring. Who can liste…
Collected Writings of E. W. Rogers - Volume 2 Compiled by Mervyn Wishart
412 pages, Paperback. Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, Scotland.
ISBN 13. 978-1-914273-16-2.
We are g…
A day by day anthology of Hymn writers and their work.Paperback, 221 pages. Published by Scripture Teaching Library, Northern Ireland.Available from Ards Bookshop, Newtownards, Northern Ireland. ISBN:…
Paperback, 381 pages, Published by Precious Seed Publications, 34 Metcalfe Avenue, Killamarsh, UK. ISBN 978 1 871642 80 3.
The latest publication in the tried and tested Day by Day series does exact…
Design Dissected - Is the design real? by David J. Galloway224 pages, Paperback.Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock.ISBN 13. 978-1-914273-00-1.
The past few years have seen a num…
Ezekiel - Coming Back From Exile by John Riddle576 pages, Paperback.Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH, Scotland.ISBN-13. 978-1-914273-15-5
This latest in a series of b…
Paperback, 390 pages Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, Scotland. ISBN 978–1–910513–80–4.
No doubt most readers of this magazine will have encountered representatives of the Je…
Paperback, 104 pages, Published by Gospel Folio Press, 304 Killaly St. W. Port Colborne, ON L3K 6A6. ISBN 978-1927-5216-18.
A book review is, by its very nature, a subjective exercise. The style and…
Paperback, 140 pages. Published by John Ritchie Ltd. 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, Scotland. ISBN: 978-1-910513-42-2.
Books dealing with future events are not in short supply and cover every shade of op…
Paperback, 138 pages, Published by Scripture Teaching Library, Cookstown, NI. ISBN 978-1-909789-16-6.
This is a revised reprint of a book first published in 1931. In view of this, I imagine that the…
Paperback, 112 pages. Published by Gospel Folio Press, 304 Killaly St West, Port Colborne, Ontario, L3K 6A6. ISBN 978-1-927521-56-4
If you want to know if missionaries have the same anxieties as we …
Paperback, 142 pp, Published by Decapolis Press, Pitcot Farm, Pitcot Lane, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Radstock BA3 4SX, England. Price £6.00 ISBN 978-1871642-51-3.
A book that brings together these thre…
Paperback, 81 pages, Published by Bell and Bain Ltd, Glasgow. [Available from John Ritchie Limited]. ISBN: 978 1 871642 810.
It may be that if you have never had an interest in entomology then you m…
Paperback, 182pp. Published by Opal Trust, 1 Glenannan Park, Lockerbie, Scotland, DG11 2FA. ISBN 978-1-907098-15-4.
It is clear, from the focus of this book, that the authors are aware of the import…
Paperback, 276 pages. Published by John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, Scotland, KA3 1 RH. Price: £8.99. ISBN: 978-1-909803-78-7.
The origins of this helpful book are to be found in a conve…
Paperback, 103 pages, Published by Scripture Teaching Library, Cookstown, Northern Ireland. ISBN 978-1-909789-22-7.
Adam D. Thropay has been involved in Bible teaching in assemblies in North America…
Paperback, 79 pages. Published by ECS Ministries, PO Box 1028, Dubuque, IA 52004-1028. ISBN: 978-1-59387-229-8.
The title and theme of this book will strike a chord with many who would love to hear …
192 pages, Hardback, Published by The Bereans Publishing Ltd., 38 Mountain Road, Kilkeel, County Down, BT34 4BB.ISBN: 978-1-913232-20-7.
As the back cover summary indicates, this book has been writt…
Paperback, 182 pages, Published by Day One Publications, Leominster, HR6 8NZ, UK. ISBN 978-1-84625-110-8.
The ‘Opening up’ series covers many of the books of scripture, written by a number of respec…
Penned for His Praise by Joanna DanielHardback, 106 pages,Published by Moriah Ministries, PO Box 7193, 31-33 Water Tank Road, MMDA Colony, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106, India.ISBN 978-81-938892-9-9.
Paperback, 104 pages, Published by John Ritchie Ltd. 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH. ISBN: 978-1-910513-68-2.
What is a pocket commentary? As the Foreword states, ‘A need has been identified … fo…
Paperback, 66 pages. Published by the author, 31 Fairmeadows, Maesteg, Wales, CF34 9JL. Price: £1.
It would be easy to dismiss this unprepossessing booklet. It is only a few pages. However, for anyo…
Paperback, 212 pages, Published by Precious Seed Publications, 34 Metcalfe Avenue, Killamarsh, UK. ISBN 978 1 871642 77 3.
This well presented book incorporates scanned copies of the Precious Seed M…